Alabama Child & Adolescent Counseling
Alabama Child & Adolescent Counseling
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Rusty is a mini Goldendoodle. He is three years old. He loves working with children. Rusty is currently receiving training for his role as ACA's facility pup. He is also Mrs. Sapp's family dog!
Bella is an English Lab. She is 9 years old. She is a retired service dog. Bella worked with a child on the autism spectrum for 7 years. Bella loves working with children. She lives for treats and "pets." Bella is also Mrs. Sapp's family dog!
Arthur is our 1-year-old English Labrador Retriever, he is our facility dog in training. Arthur is in training with Precision Canine Service Dogs. Arthur is Mrs. Elizabeth's dog. Arthur loves pup cups, making new friends, playing in the water, and taking hikes, like his mom.
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ACA Counseling EST 2016